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Tickets for sporting games, theatre, and concerts.
  1. All sales final. No refunds or exchanges. PSAN Entertainment Services is not affiliated with TicketMaster®, Tickets.com, Live Nation, AXS, or any Theatre, Venue or Box Office. All prices include our service charge(s), which reflect our cost of obtaining premium seating.
  2. If an event is postponed, tickets will be honored for the rescheduled date. New tickets will not need to be issued. No refund given to the purchaser.
  3. If an event is permanently cancelled, the purchaser will receive a full refund for the amount that was paid for the tickets. Any shipping and handling charges are not refundable.
  4. PSAN Entertainment Services will not issue exchanges or refunds after a confirmed purchase has been made.
  5. No refunds given for lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed tickets. Please keep your tickets in a safe place. Please note that direct sunlight or heat can sometimes damage tickets.
  6. Occasionally, the tickets you order may no longer be available at the time your order is received. If equivalent or better seat locations are available at the same price, you will be automatically upgraded as an alternative and contacted for notification of your new seat locations. You will not be charged until your order is confirmed.
  7. All orders are shipped to the billing address of your credit card (no exceptions) via your chosen shipping method. Most orders are processed the same business day in which they are received. Orders placed after hours will be processed on the next business day. For certain events, tickets may not be available for immediate shipment. In this case, a PSAN Entertainment Services representative will contact you with notification of approximately when your tickets will be shipped. All shipments require a signature at the point of delivery.
  8. Mobile entry tickets, Flash Seats tickets, PDF file tickets, QR code tickets, and any other form of electronic transfer delivery for tickets used for entry to an event are the responsibility and property of the purchaser, once PSAN Entertainment Services has successfully transferred tickets to the purchaser via the internet. The purchaser will be required to create an account with the associated ticket transfer system to gain access to their electronic tickets. It is important to provide the correct email address for your electronic delivered tickets.


For more information on tickets or special events please email info@psan.com or call (818) 687-2150.